What is an 'ACSF Assessment Task'?

An 'ACSF Assessment Task/Tool' or 'LLN Assessment Task/Tool' is a diagnostic assessment tool used to determine an individual's language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skill levels.

The tasks typically consist of a variety of reading, writing, maths and oral communication questions designed to be relevant to workplace tasks.

The idea is that the tools will help gauge a person's current LLN skill levels and identify whether they have the required LLN skills to effectively interact with information and complete tasks that would be commonplace in a certain job, and if not, where the areas of required support are. 

What does it mean 'mapped to the ACSF'?

The Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is another tool. It is a national framework used in Australian vocational education and training (VET) to describe a student's performance in the five core skills of:

  1. Learning
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
  4. Oral communication
  5. Numeracy

The ACSF has five levels (plus a pre-level) that describe increasingly complex skills in the five core skills.

If an ACSF or LLN Assessment Tool is "mapped to the ACSF", it means that the tasks in the assessment tool have been designed to sit at a particular level of the ACSF.  

You'll see in this example diagram, the task of 'completing a driver run sheet' requires core skills of reading at level 3, numeracy at level 3 and writing at level 2.

Outcomes of the diagnostic assessments give an indication of the learner's 'spiky profile' and this provides guidance to trainers/assessors on existing core skills levels and any LLN support and/or development required.

For more on the spiky profile, see our information on the Foundation Skills Videos page.

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Using this information as part of your TAE studies?

Skills Education is a private provider of VET sector support services and professional development for teachers and trainers.

Validated LLN Assessment Tasks Mapped to the ACSF

Note that a 'validated' LLN assessment task / tool is not the same as assessment validation. Instead, this is about diagnostic assessment applied to determine a learner's current skills and levels of language, literacy and numeracy. The 'validated' means the task / tool has been tested by experts for its validity and reliability.

The following assessments have been validated and they are mapped to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).

Task title

ACSF skill and level coverage

Industry coverage


Download the Assessment

A self-reflection

Learning 2. Reading 2. Oral communication 1.


Reflective questions about own skills

 A self-reflection.docx

Admit a resident

Reading 3. Writing 2

Aged Care

Transferring information from one text type to another 

 Admit a resident.docx

Assessment record



Form to record information about the LLN assessment and your judgement of the candidate’s skills levels

 Assessment record.docx

Background of concrete

Reading 3. Writing 3


Read informative text and answer questions

 Background of concrete.docx

Check the vehicle

Reading 2. Writing 2


Read information and fill out a form

 Check the vehicle.docx

Complete a driver run sheet

Reading 3. Numeracy 3. Writing 2


Read a scenario and transfer information to a form

 Complete driver run sheet.docx

Complete a log: Aged care

Reading 1 and 2. Oral communication 2-4

Aged Care

Reading tables and role play

 Complete a log - Aged care.docx

Complete a log: Security

Reading 2. Writing 2 and 3. Oral communication 2-4. Numeracy 2.


Reading tables and role play

 Complete a log - Security.docx

Fill out a claim form

Reading 2. Writing 2. Oral communication 3


Reading information, completing a short report

 Fill out a claim form.docx

Fill out a time sheet

Reading 1-2. Numeracy 2

Aged Care

Reading and completing a time sheet based on given information

 Fill out a time sheet.docx

Fill out an information form

Reading 1 and 2. Writing 1 and 2


Complete a form with personal information

 Fill out an information form.docx

Forklift safety

Reading 3. Writing 2 and 3. Numeracy 2-3


Read and respond to an informative text, create a pie chart, read tables

 Forklift safety.docx

Injury hotspots: Health and aged care services

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2 and 3. Numeracy 1-3

Health and Community Services

Reading diagrams, plotting graph

 Injury hotspots - Health and Aged care services.docx

Injury hotspots: Hospitality

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2 and 3. Numeracy 1-3


Reading diagrams, plotting graph

 Injury hotspots - Hospitality.docx

Injury hotspots: Wood manufacturing

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2 and 3. Numeracy 1-3

Wood Manufacturing

Read diagrams and informative text, plot a graph, write a formal letter

 Injury hotspots - Wood manufacturing.docx

Interview form

Learning 1-3, Oral communication 1-3


Reflective question and answer

Particularly useful for new workers

 Interview form.docx

Make a sling

Learning pre-level 1-2. Reading pre-level 1 and 1. Writing pre-level 1-2. Oral communication pre-level 1-2


Watch a video and respond to questions

 Make a sling.docx

Making numbers work 1

Numeracy pre-level 1 and 1


Complete various numeracy tasks

 Making numbers work 1.docx

Making numbers work 2

Numeracy 2 and 3


Complete various numeracy tasks

 Making numbers work 2.docx

Manual handling

Learning 3. Writing 2 and 3. Oral communication 3


Watch video and respond to questions

 Manual handling.docx

Mixing concrete

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2. Numeracy 2 and 3


Read a brochure, answer questions, role play

 Mixing concrete.docx

Plan time

Reading 1 and 2. Oral communication 1 and 2. Numeracy 1


Reading and constructing a timetable

 Plan time.docx

Read a calendar

Learning pre-level 1 and 1. Reading pre-level 1 and 1. Writing pre-level 1. Numeracy pre-level 1 and 1


Read numeric text and answer questions 

 Read a calendar.docx

Read a forklift poster

Reading 3. Writing 2 and 3


Read and interpret a poster

 Read a forklift poster.docx

Read a map

Reading pre-level 1 and 1. Writing pre-level 1. Oral communication 1. Numeracy pre-level 1-2


Read a simple map and answer questions

 Read a map.docx

Read and interpret a safety data sheet

Reading 4. Writing 3 or 4


Read and interpret a Safety Data Sheet

 Read and interpret an SDS.docx

Read Signs

Learning pre-level 1. Reading pre-level 1 - 3. Writing pre-level 1 - 2


Read and interpret a range of workplace signs

 Read signs.docx

Read the Dangerous Goods Code

Learning 4. Reading 4. Writing 3 and 4


Read complex text and answer questions

 Read the Dangerous Goods Code.docx

Safe lifting in the workplace

Learning 2. Oral communication 2


Watch a video and follow instructions

 Safe lifting in the workplace.docx

State your opinion

Writing 3 and 4 or Oral communication 3 and 4.


Write or deliver an opinion piece

 State your opinion.docx

Stay safe in the workplace

Reading 2. Writing 3. Numeracy 1-3

Resources and infrastructure

Reflective questions about own skills


 Stay safe in the workplace.docx

Take a message

Writing 2. Oral communication 2

Aged Care

Listen to telephone conversation, take a message

 Take a message.docx

Understand feed charts

Reading 1 and 2. Numeracy 2 and 3


Reading charts, calculating amounts

 Understand feed charts.docx

Use a floorplan

Reading 1 and 2. Numeracy 1-4


Reading a house plan, calculate and draw additional building

 Use a floor plan.docx

Use a safety data sheet

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2 and 3


Reading and interpreting source material

 Use a SDS.docx

Use emergency procedures

Reading 1 and 2


Reading a procedure

 Use emergency procedures.docx

Use fire extinguishers

Learning 3. Reading 3. Writing 2


Follow instructions

 Use fire extinguishers.docx

Use hand signals: Aviation

Learning 3. Reading 3. Oral communication 3


Read instructions and demonstrate hand signals

 Use hand signals - Aviation.docx

Use hand signals: Security

Learning 3. Reading 3. Oral communication 3


Read instructions and demonstrate hand signals

 Use hand signals - Security.docx

Use professional language: Aged care

Reading 2 and 3. Writing 2 and 3. Oral communication 2 and 3.

Aged Care

Read and respond to texts in different formats, role play

 Use professional language - Aged care.docx

Word and number bingo

Learning pre-level 1. Reading pre-level 1. Writing pre-level 1. Oral communication pre-level 1. Numeracy pre-level 1


Word matching activities

 Word and number bingo.docx

Write an accident report

Writing 3. Oral communication 3


Listen to detailed scenario and complete form

 Write an accident report.docx

Write an incident report

Writing 3. Oral communication 3


Listen to detailed scenario and complete form

 Write an incident report.docx

Write away

Writing 1-3


Personal writing based on a photo

 Write away.docx

Write instructions

Writing 1-3


Write instructions

 Write instructions.docx

Industry-Based Literacy & Numeracy Quizzes

The new Australian Government Australian Apprenticeships webpage  presents a range of industry-specific quizzes designed to give a broad idea of the types of literacy and numeracy used in various jobs.

Industries and related quizzes include:

Links to videos

See videos that may provide useful information about foundation skills

More on Foundation Skills

Current information about the ACSF on DEWR website

Future delivery of foundation skills training in remote Australia – Discussion Paper Response Summary and Analysis

  • Responses to recent discussion paper on foundation skills training in remote Australia have seen a resounding message that language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills programs should be designed and led by remote communities.
  • The paper states that a community led component “…is critical for remote and First Nations communities, where success of the program can depend largely on word of mouth, and the support of key community members”.
  • DEWR has confirmed that they have listened to this feedback and are now using it to help inform policy and program approaches for future Commonwealth supported foundation skills program delivery.

Foundation Skills frameworks reviewed

New Digital Capability Framework (ADCF)

The Framework was developed by Australian Industry Standards (now the JSC, Industry Skills Australia) and the Digital Capability for Workforce Skills Final Report details the development and potential application of the ADCF

Jobs and Skills Australia - Oct 2022

With the change in government, a new entity 'Jobs and Skills Australia' (JSA) was created.  One of its first actions is to conduct an inquiry in to foundation skills

"To support action on foundation skills, the Australia Government also announced a National Study on Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Skills to be led by JSA. This will assess the current skill levels and foundation skills gaps of adults across Australia."

From the Minister for Skills and Training's announcement:

"To support action on foundation skills, the Government will fund a National Study on Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Skills. This will assess the current skill levels and foundation skills gaps of adults across Australia with a feasibility study to be undertaken to assess and support the skills of First Nations People. 

“Increasing a person’s literacy and numeracy levels supports them to participate in training and education and has a direct and positive impact on their future employment opportunities.

JSA Foundation Skills Study - 4.4.23

The Foundation Skills Study consists of three elements:  

  1. a survey of Australian adults to assess their current skills levels 
  2. a feasibility study into how best to assess the literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy levels of First Nations people 
  3. analysis of Commonwealth administrative and other data to ‘drill down’ into the results for priority groups.  

JSA welcomes and encourages feedback on the discussion paper.  The discussion paper is now open for consultation. Submissions will closed 24 April 2023

National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults

When it existed, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) set the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults . This was a ten-year framework that aimed for a target of by 2022, two thirds of working age Australians would have literacy and numeracy skills at Level 3 or above.

The strategy was developed by the Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, which in 2013, was replaced by the COAG Industry and Skills Council.

Don't take it as read

In March 2022, the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, was to inquire into and report on adult literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills in Australia.

Have you seen?


Copy of information from original source and that is still relevant:

Who can use the ACSF assessment tasks?

The ACSF assessment tasks are designed to be used by assessors who are experienced LLN practitioners with a sound working knowledge of the ACSF.

Workplace trainers who are not experienced LLN practitioners may use the tasks, but should seek advice about their judgements from an experienced practitioner.

Anyone using the ACSF assessment tasks, or working with the ACSF, should regularly participate in validation with the broader sector to ensure the judgements made around the ACSF are consistent and accurate.

Are the assessment tasks free?

Yes, the assessment tasks have been developed with a funding from the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Resources program through the Department of Industry, and are available to download free of charge.

Assessment tasks should not be rebadged or on-sold. Copyright remains with the Commonwealth of Australia. Please refer to the copyright and acknowledgements information.

Can I change the assessment tasks?

The tasks in the current format are validated by a group of ACSF professionals. The tasks can be contextualised to suit the environment that you assess within, but should always be ‘revalidated’ to ensure the ACSF levels are agreed and accurate.

Copyright conditions still apply to changed tasks.

How do I do a pre and post test of an ACSF level? Do you have any pre and post tests?

The tasks can be used for both pre and post assessments. Don’t use the same tasks for both with the same candidate.

Are ACSF levels the same as AQF levels?

The levels of the AQF do not match up with the performance levels of the ACSF. 

Where can I get a pre-training assessment task?

Any of the tasks in the table above could be used as a pre-training assessment – the idea is that an assessor would pick and choose ones that are appropriate to the candidate being assessed (refer to the user guide).

How do I score a candidate if they get some of the questions wrong?

If the candidate gets the question right then the level in the mapping (included at the front of the task) applies to that question. If the task is more open-ended, or if the response could be varied (such as with a writing task), then you will need to make a judgement. Refer back to the ACSF to help make that judgement.

Do you have any assessment tasks at ACSF level 5?

No. The bank of tasks was developed with WELL Resources funding. The WELL program targets workers with skills at ACSF level 1-3, so most of the tasks in the bank sit with that range. 

Can these assessment tasks be used with someone from a non-English Speaking Background or English as a Second Language?

Yes, but the language of the tasks is English.

Do the tasks have answers?

No. When the developer received the funding to build the bank, they asked stakeholders whether they would prefer lots of tasks, or fewer tasks with answers. The response was for more tasks with no answers.

Can I develop my own foundation skills assessments?

See these PD sessions:


Development of these assessments was funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. WELL is now closed. 

The WELL programme aimed to assist organisations to train their workers in job-related English language, literacy and numeracy skills. The WELL programme was integrated with vocational training and dedicated to the needs of the workplace, from employers’ and employees’ perspectives (UNESCO, 2013).

More on WELL (noting this is historical information):

Skills Education has replicated this information from its original site to support practitioners in the Australian VET System

"These validated ACSF assessment tasks are designed to be used by assessors who are experienced LLN practitioners with a sound working knowledge of the ACSF. Workplace trainers who are not experienced LLN practitioners may use the tasks, but should seek advice about their judgements from an experienced practitioner. Before using these resources, please read through the ACSF assessment task user guide and review the copyright and acknowledgement information"

All the ACSF assessments on this page were produced by Precision Consultancy and others listed at the bottom of this page. Copyright for these materials is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia and content is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Australia Licence which has been applied to this work.

Copyright Notice

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013



This work is copyright. Except where otherwise indicated, and save for the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, the Department has applied the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Australia Licence to this work.

The Department of Education and Training must be attributed as the author of the Department’s copyright material.

As far as practicable, material for which the copyright is owned by a third party has been clearly labelled. The Department has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that this material has been reproduced on this website with the full consent of the copyright owners.

Requests and enquiries concerning the Department’s copyright material should be addressed to:

The Legal Branch

Department of Industry

GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601

Or emailed to [email protected].

This resource was funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program by the Australian Government Department of Industry

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the view of the Minister for Industry.  The Australian Government does not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the contents of this work.

ISBN: 978-0-9874882-1-3

Developed by Precision Consultancy

 The development team included:

  • Jenni Oldfield (Project manager, writer)
  • Philippa McLean, Escalier McLean Consulting, (Writer, ACSF expert)
  • Raelene McNaughton (Desk-top publishing)
  • Christopher Harrigan (Website)


The development team acknowledge all those who assisted with gathering source material for assessments, and who gave feedback on the tasks, including:

  • Anne Munday, GoTAFE
  • Katrina Lyle
  • Dave Tout, ACER
  • Simone Reinertsen, Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Council
  • Rosa McKenna, WELL Quality Assurance
  • Les Retford, Queensland VET Development Centre
  • The many participants who attended ACSF workshops.