Please note the terms and conditions for ongoing use of this site. Our Ts and Cs page has information that might answer your question too.

Registering for a paid Skills Education session opts you in to communications from us. We send a regular update email about once a week (from Feb - mid-Dec.)

Our sector update and information emails are for the benefit of our Skills Education customers - paid registrants for PD events and/or annual subscribers.

There are some sections of this website only available to Education Matters subscribers - people who have an active paid annual membership subscription to the Education Matters Learning and Resources Hub.

  • Time Zones

    All Skills Education live sessions are listed in AEST - which is Qld time. Ensure you check the AEST compared to your local and/or daylight saving time (AEDT / ACT etc).

    You can check the time conversions at this handy link.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    All certificates are issued from your Skills Education profile. We do not 'send certificates' after a session.

    On registration, everyone receives an email with a link to their dashboard*. Please ensure you log in to your dashboard to read the instructions there about accessing course content and triggering your certificate.

    Note that even if you attended a live webinar, the steps to trigger your certificate from your dashboard are still required. Your course must show ‘100% complete’ to trigger the Record of Participation. There are instructions in your dashboard for how to do this if you're unsure or you can see the quick video on our 'help' page.

    Certificates can be triggered while course access is open and enrolment is active.

    If you wish to have the certificate for your PD profile, please ensure you trigger your certificate during your course access period. Requests to manually issue a Record of Participation once your course access has expired will incur a $15 administration fee. All manual issuances will be contingent on confirmation of attendance at the live event and/or 100% course completion.

    On the rare occasion a session is not eligible for a certificate, this will have been advertised.

    Note the special conditions for Trainer Chats where, if you registered for free, you must trigger your certificate on the day.

    For more information about certificates, see our Ts and Cs page.

    See also the 'Next Steps' page which details post-event actions for various session types.

    *Does not apply to free information events - these will be advertised as such.

  • I want to register for a few people and pay at once using one credit card – how can I do this?

    You can now purchase multiple tickets at once. Do this by adjusting the quantity required at the checkout. If you just want to buy a single ticket for someone else, select 'this is a gift' at the checkout.

    After placing an order, the purchaser for the group will see an order thank you page with options to manage all additional seats. A link will be provided to enrol for themselves (if desired) and to copy and share the link with other intended participants. If the purchaser does not take a seat for themselves, in the case where the tickets are for a live event, the automatic Zoom registration for the purchaser will be reversed.

    The purchaser will be able to track how many invites have been redeemed and if necessary, purchase more seats. Intended attendees will have 45 days to redeem their code.

    This option is perfect for group bookings and enrolments and/or for businesses that allocate purchasing responsibility to a function such as an administration or trainer support team.

    The new group booking function is a great way to save time and manage the PD for staff.

    Note that group bookings are currently only available for PD events and learning programs, not any subscription-based product.

    If you have 4+ people you want to subscribe to a Skills Education product, please email us at info[at]skillseducation[dot]com[dot]au and we'll co-ordinate the registrations for you.

  • Someone else paid for my registration - how do I access the PD?

    If you received a link because someone gifted you a PD session or because your organisation purchased your ticket as part of a group booking, use the invite link to access the course.

    You will be taken to the checkout page for that product where you will need to sign in or sign up to access your account and the PD.

    You must use your link to redeem the ticket within 45 days.

  • What's in Education Matters?

    Education Matters offers a wealth of information about all types of matters to do with training, learning, and education.

    Designed to make your mandatory TAE PD easy, Education Matters is filled with content specially curated and/or created to support ongoing "... professional development in the fields of the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment including competency based training and assessment" (Clause 1.16 of the Standards for RTOs 2015).

    You can read more about our annual subscription product on the Education Matters page, or by visiting the Ts and Cs page where the terms under which this product is offered are published.

  • Can you send me an invoice?

    Our site is set up to be a self-serve option where you can select and pay for sessions you want to attend using the secure checkout.

    We do not typically send an invoice as 'pay on invoice' for a single registration to a single webinar.

    If you are wanting to register for multiple sessions at once, or to book for multiple people to the same event, in some cases, we may be able to issue an invoice for payment via EFT direct deposit.

    See our Ts and Cs page for more.

  • How long do the sessions go for?

    Unless explicitly mentioned as otherwise, live webinar sessions are scheduled to run for about 1 hour.

    All recordings for on-demand viewing have the approximate time listed on the event page.

  • I registered but missed the live session - what options do I have?

    For purchased registrations: The great news is that included in the ticket price is access to the recording for the set time frame. (Eligible sessions only - Natters on Education Matters are live sessions only for non-subscribers).

    Log in to your Skills Education dashboard to view the recording and retrieve any applicable handouts that might be available. Remember that access is time-limited and all registrants are responsible for accessing their purchase within the set timeframe

    For complimentary registrations: Most free-to-register sessions are free for the live event only, meaning no recording is available unless part of Education Matters. This is made clear at time of registration

  • I registered for a live session but now realise I'll be training at that time. Can I get a refund?

    Similar to the answer to the FAQ above, luckily, your registration includes access to the recording for the set time frame (where applicable). A change of mind or schedule does not constitute grounds for a refund.

    See our Ts and Cs page for further clarification if required.

  • My session has expired - can you extend it?

    Sessions from the PD library and learning programs are open for an advertised duration.

    Every registrant has the responsibility to access and complete course content during the listed timeframe.

    If you need to extend your access times, you can do this by re-registering and re-enrolling.

    If the usual access time is insufficient, an 'Education Matters PRO', 'Education Matters Elite' or 'PD Library Pass' might be viable options for you as these products offer 12-months access to all included sessions.

    See our 'Ts and Cs' for more about access to Skills Education content.

  • Can I transfer my registration?

    Registrations are not transferable. If you cannot make the live session, and you paid for registration, you'll be able to access the recording for the set period of time (except for Natters on Education Matters sessions - for guests, these are live sessions only).

    We don't allow transfers as every registration (and payment history and Record of Participation) is linked to the registrant.

  • Why can't I access the handouts or recording?

    All sessions where handouts are available will have those resources attached to the course and will be visible under your profile/dashboard.

    Courses remain active for a set period of time so ensure you access handouts and recordings and trigger your certificate during that timeframe - which is advertised on the course page and mentioned on our Ts and Cs page.

    All PD registrants who are an active subscriber to Specialised VET Services have an active account on the Skills Education website which means they will be able to see available materials for any course in which they are enrolled.

  • Do we get a copy of the slides?

    Not always. It depends on what handouts the presenter has prepared for the session.

    We respect the presenter's prerogative to deal with (and share) their IP how they see fit.

    The session replay will be available to view for the nominated timeframe which will allow you to take any extra notes you want to add to any supplied handouts.

  • There was a template used in the session example - do we get that for free because we bought a ticket to the session?

    If a presenter uses a template or tool to demonstrate their points during a webinar, it is not an automatic inclusion in the price of the webinar.

    The ticket to attend, and the tool or template being used in a session to support examples, are two separate products. In some cases, Skills Education may not own the tool or template being used by the presenter.

    Particularly where tools or templates are alone, more than the cost of registration, it is impossible to offer these items as 'free'.

    Instead, to support registrants who have also purchased the registration as a product, where possible, we look to offer discounts at time of registration for the templates or tools that are separate items and being used in a session.

  • Do I have to be a 'member' or 'subscriber' to access special prices?

    No. We offer competitively priced PD to everyone.

    Outside of our live events and PD Library, we do have our annual subscription options, including Education Matters where you can access a wealth of curated and created content relevant to training, learning and education matters.

    As of October 2023, you can also subscribe to get an annual PD Library Pass.

  • I missed registering for a free session and now it's listed as a paid event?

    On occasion, we can offer complimentary registration for live sessions.

    As a limited special offer, these may be offered at no charge for registrants (and as active mail recipients) to attend the live session. A nominal fee is applied to these sessions post-event for future registrations to access the recording.

  • Why can't I get in to the webinar session?

    Ensure you check the following:
    1) you have the Zoom client on your computer
    2) you are logging in with the same email as used to register for the session
    3) you are logging into Zoom webinar, not any default meeting setting that might be on your device
    4) you have the correct time
    5) you have an active subscription to Specialised VET Services and Skills Education profile.

    All Skills Education sessions are in Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST - You can check the time conversions at this handy link.

    Ensure you have read the instructions on your profile dashboard - first communicated and visible at time of registration.

    See our Ts and Cs page to confirm the terms and conditions of use, including ongoing use, of this site.

  • Important Notice

    Information and views of presenters are their own and not necessarily those of Skills Education.

    Information delivered as part of a professional development event (especially compliance-related content) should not take the place of professional advice and/or consultancy services tailored to your specific circumstance.

We've created this site to be as comprehensive as possible.  If you have a general enquiry, please email us at info[at]skillseducation[dot]com[dot]au 

Our service standard is to reply to all emails within 2 working days.   

Once registered, all instructions for how to access live webinars are contained in the information attached to the specific event. Please ensure you read these at time of registration as we are unable to provide technical support and cannot respond to emails during a live webinar event.

Please note the terms and conditions for ongoing use of this site. Registering for a Skills Education session opts you in to communications from us. Our sector update and information emails are for the benefit of our Skills Education customers - registrants for PD events and/or annual subscribers.