The service

Book online and let our qualified VET experts analyse the materials to:

  • Confirm alignment to the unit of competency evidence requirements
  • Confirm sufficiency of valid evidence being sought by the instruments
  • Identify any gaps and issues
  • Provide results of the exercise as a summary report and point out high-level recommendations to address any identified issues

Our Validators

Our team are VET experts with current knowledge and skills in competency-based training and assessment, vocational learning, and the Australian VET sector. They are highly experienced in all areas of assessment tool development and validation

What is this service for?

Perfect for pre-assessment validation (also known as pre-use or pre-implementation validation), assessment review and/or as part of proactive internal audit, this service allows you to load your materials, go about your business and be ready for when the analysis and report is complete and sent back to you.

Our expert validators will check:

  • The mapping document is accurate and reliable as evidence of how the assessment tool meets compliance and training package requirements
  • All requirements of the unit are covered. This means, all elements, all performance criteria, all performance evidence and all knowledge evidence requirements, all Foundation Skills, and all assessment condition requirements are covered by the assessment instruments. In short - we'll check that everything that should be included is, and nothing that should not be, is not
  • Whether the assessment instruments will collect sufficient, valid evidence for competency judgements to be made

You'll get...

  • A validated mapping document back, marked up with comments - where any gaps/issues are and what the issues are 
  • A short report with high-level recommendations for the assessment writer on how to address any identified issues and gaps

How do I use the service?

Step 1

✅ Know which unit/s of competency you want to ensure your assessment tools cover

Step 2

✅ Use the Size Calculator guide below to determine the size of the unit against which your assessment tool must be validated

Step 3

✅ Purchase the validation service for that size unit

Step 4

✅ Load your materials to send through. We'll need marking guide and mapping in Word / Excel format (no PDFs). Load your materials within 5 working days of completing your order. Full instructions are supplied after purchase

Step 5

✅ Go about your business - we'll let you know when the validation activity is complete and your reports are ready

We'll confirm the correct service has been purchased and once correct payment is confirmed, will allocate your materials for analysis and reporting

⚠️ Assessment tools from the Training and Education (TAE) training package require additional expertise. Please contact us to enquire about getting your TAE materials validated

Assessment Validation of Mapping - Extra Large size unit

An extra large unit requires approx. 80 evidence points

$1485 inc. GST
Something else?

Enquire about the cost for ordering validation for multiple units, validation for units larger than XL (more than 80 evidence points required), and/or for TAE units of competency

Size Calculator Guide



Approx. volume of evidence points required for the unit


Elements in the unit (guide)

Small (S)


Up to 3

Average (A)


Up to 3

Large (L)



Extra-large (XL)*






Use the number of unit elements as a guide. Size determination for validation of mapping is based on the total number of evidence points required by the unit. An evidence point is across PCs, PEs, FS requirements and KEs

*Note that XL / XXL POA may include any high-volume combination of:

  • element count and performance evidence points
  • e.g. 3 PE plus 90 evidence points = XXL POA unit          
  • e.g. 7 PE plus 30 evidence points = XL unit
  • e.g. 5 PE plus 40 evidence points required to be repeated across multiple different performance tasks = XL+ unit (as, for example, 2 instances x 40 pts = 80 pts = XL unit; 3 instances x 40pts =120 pts = XXL POA unit)            

Sizing examples:

Answers to FAQs

  • What if I pick the wrong size for my unit?

    As soon as you complete your purchase, we get notified. Once your materials are received, we'll confirm the correct unit size has been calculated and selected and if all is good, will allocate the work to one of our expert validators.

    If there is a discrepancy between the actual unit size and the size selected, we'll be in touch and will issue an invoice/online code for the difference. Once paid in full, we can commence the work

  • How long before I get my results back?

    Depending on the current schedule and pre-existing bookings, the activity will be completed between 2 and 10 working days. If it looks like the analysis and report will take more than 10 working days, we'll be in touch

  • What does this Validation service cover?

    This is a pre-assessment validation for assessment tools. As a validation of mapping activity, it reviews the instrument, benchmark and mapping. It is designed as the first step to confirming the assessment tools in use / to be used by the RTO will meet the unit of competency requirements

    Products from the TAE Training Package require special attention, please contact us directly to book a validation service for these materials

    For more information, see the 'Scope' section at the bottom of this page

  • When do I get my tax invoice?

    We will send via email a tax invoice as a receipt for your order once we know the unit code and name for the assessment mapping to be validated

  • This isn't PD - why is this service on Skills Education?

    Although different parts of the team are involved, Skills Education and Validations: VET Assessment Validation Services are part of the same organisation.

    Just like the easy, convenient approach to self-service orders for PD, you can now apply the same approach to order a validation of assessment activity

Scope of the Validation of Mapping Exercise

As a guide, typical validation of assessment mapping activity includes:

  • The analysis of the assessment instruments to confirm valid, sufficient evidence would be collected by the tool
  • Confirming the accuracy of data entered on the mapping document (which is used as evidence of coverage)
  • Marking up the mapping document with results of the analysis

This service currently offers validation of mapping

As a guide, typical validation of assessment tool activity includes:

  • A validation of mapping plus
  • Reviewing the entire tool to assess its suitability for intended purpose
  • Confirming accuracy of information that forms the basis of the assessment i.e. unit details, pre-requisites, assessment conditions etc.
  • Commenting on the clarity of instructions to users (learners and assessors)
  • Confirming suitability of chosen assessment method for evidence required by the unit
  • Confirming the assessment has been designed to allow for the provision of sufficient evidence that is valid, reliable, authentic, and current and will meet the requirements of the unit as well as satisfy the definition of competency per the Standards for RTOs 2015
  • Reviewing fields within the tool to confirm documents allow for the recording of evidence of judgements and other compliance-related requirements 
  • Analyse benchmark responses to confirm they are providing accurate guidance for acceptable responses in terms of quantities required and/or deviations in evidence provided by the student
  • Analysing the tool to make a judgment on the:
    • Flow of assessment tasks – that they represent logical processes that are clearly defined
    • Structure/format of template and its elements
    • Where the qualification has been identified, analysing the assessment to make a judgement on whether it seeks evidence in a way consistent with expected outcomes of the relevant AQF level
    • Documenting findings from the validation exercise, including suggestions for continuous improvement

Contact us on [email protected] if you'd like a validation of assessment tool.  

Out of scope

  • Reviewing the materials to make any judgment and/or give advice on the accuracy of benchmark answers provided
  • Reviewing the TAS that covers the delivery and assessment methodology linked to the particular unit of competency for which the assessments will be used 
  • Reviewing other documents within the assessment system such as Student Handbook, various assessment-related policies and procedures (e.g. Complaints Policy, Appeals Policy etc.)
  • Reviewing learning materials for accuracy, formatting, proofing purposes
  • Mapping unmapped content
  • Writing missing or other content
  • Conducting confirmation of compliance round/s to determine whether any edits applied to materials by assessment writers in response to initial validation activity have met requirements
  • Formatting and/or editing and/or specific proofing of materials
  • Validating completed student samples

Terms of the service

  • Materials must be presented in the requested format
  • Mapping document and marking guide must be supplied
  • Correct payment for the unit size must be made in full before work will commence
  • If the incorrect size is calculated and purchased, the Validations team will issue an invoice/online code to enable payment for the correct amount and for work to commence
  • Purchase of a validation service is not refundable
  • Validation purchases are for one assessment tool against one unit of competency. Multiple versions for different cohorts are multiple assessment tools. For clarity: For example, if one assessment tool is developed for unit A and an online cohort, and one tool for unit A for a workplace-based cohort, and different instruments are used in each, despite being for the same unit, these are different tools and will require 2 x separate validation activities
  • On return of the report post-validation activity, the task is finalised and Validations has fulfilled its obligations in relation to providing the service
  • It is the responsibility of the RTO to review the issued report and make edits to materials if and as required. All responsibility for the application of report recommendations, the tool, its use, and outcomes from use, are the responsibility of the RTO
  • Business days for service provision are based on a Mon - Fri working week with public holidays falling to the Queensland calendar