About Wendy

Wendy Cato is the Director of CATOHR and RPL Assist. She is recognised nationally and internationally as an RPL specialist. Wendy’s tools were awarded second prize at the 3rd Validated Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale in Germany (2019). 

In 2023 Wendy launched her Advanced RPL Assessor microcredentials offered through Skills Education. In 2024, Wendy accepted invitations to attend the 5th Biennale in Ireland to present on the necessity of training assessors in recognition, and ePIC in Paris to discuss RPL and the learning ecosystem formulated for the microcredentials.

Wendy has worked on a number of large RPL projects over the years and recently worked on the Human Services Skills Organisation’s (HSSO) national RPL Pilot Project for CHC33015 - Certificate III in Individual Support as the RPL specialist. She was responsible for the design and development of the national RPL Tool Kit utilised for this project as well as design and delivery of Candidate-Centred RPL Training to over 250 assessors from both public and private providers across Australia.

Wendy writes and sells E-books on VET related topics, develops clustered assessments and RPL toolkits for RTOs, and provides Quality Consulting services to RTOs.

Contact and connect with Wendy:

E: [email protected] 

W: catohr.com.au 
