RTO leaders need to create an environment which ensures that their trainers/assessors and their students get the most out of their e-environments.

Explore the digital learning environment commonly provided by RTOs for their students - and that is essential all trainers can professionally navigate!

Training and assessing online goes far beyond having good e-facilitation and e-assessment skills. There are a multitude of other factors within an RTO's edtech ecosystem that trainers/assessors need to be up to speed with and for which they must have the correct digital skills to effectively perform their role.

Without doubt a trainer's efficacy in the digital space relies on strategic leadership too, with support to recognise the importance of digital skills training and ways to strategically build contemporary capabilities.

Join this one hour webinar with Allison Miller to hear more about:

  • Common digital environments in an RTO and for which trainer/assessors are expected to make full use
    • Including, aspects within:
      • The LMS
        • rubrics, auto messaging, easy-to-use authoring tools to develop interactive learning content, digital content licensing
      • Virtual training room
        • engagement functionalities
      • Cloud apps and storage systems
        • using these for collaborative learning activities, storage, information curation and more
  • Catering for students whose skills are below functional use of an LMS
  • The role of strategic leadership in future-proofing staff and students when it comes to digital skills 
  • Why it is vitally important to ensure that every trainer can use digital technology effectively
  • Why it is vitally important to ensure that every trainer can use the RTO's edtech ecosystem effectively

Allison will also share case study examples of how other RTOs are providing the key fundamentals to ensure their trainers can effectively train and assess using a range of digital technologies. This is a session that highlights how the right systems, support and leadership can provide the right foundations for trainer digital literacy skills at work.

DigCompOrg Framework's key elements of Infrastructure, Leadership and Governance, Professional Development, and Collaboration and Networks, will be used to underpin session content..

Participants will also be provided with the checklist: Key fundamentals for ensuring trainers can use a range of digital technologies  

Part of a series - Trainer Digital Literacy Skills at Work

Other Details:

Recorded - May 2022

Duration - Approx. 60 mins

Access - 30 days from date of purchase

Past Feedback:

Here's what others who watched this session had to say:

"Thanks Allison, great information, and thanks everyone else for sharing info and links!"

"The best part of this webinar was the wealth of information and links for further reading"

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