Key Principles for Student Success and Engagement in an Online Environment

Most of us have been training online for the last couple of years – some even longer. But as the world becomes accustomed to ‘Zoom calls’ and ‘MS Teams’ does this automatically mean best-practice principles of online orientation and engagement are being applied in our delivery of online training and assessment?  

Care must be taken from the get-go to ensure no student is left behind. This session shows how to do it!


  • Ways to orient students to the online environment - even when you're not there 

  • What 'presence' is and why it's important  

  • Impact of digital skills/literacy levels on students' ability to navigate online systems - and how you can help

  • Simple techniques you can use to support student confidence online

Other Details:

Recorded - March 2023

Duration - Approx. 60 mins

Access - 30 days from date of purchase

Past Feedback:

Here's what others who watched this session had to say:

"Thank you! Was a fantastic session! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

"Thank you so much for a very informative session - greatly appreciated"

"Great session thank you - lots to process :)"

"This has been a great session - thank you - the comments from everyone were helpful too; really modelled the whole point of this session!"

Recorded as Part of Focus Week: Student Support 

Session presenter