Do some young VET learners in your training program exhibit challenging behaviours that disrupt learning?

Transform challenges into opportunities by learning how to co-construct learning!

Some young VET learners can show quite challenging behaviours in a training environment which need to be avoided and managed from the commencement of a training program.

This requires a VET educator to incorporate preventative measures, as well as, incorporate strategies which help young VET learners regulate their own behaviour.

It also requires a learning environment which fosters a sense of mutual respect and understanding of the different challenges which young VET learners are faced with.


By the end of this session, you'll be able to:

  • Explain why some young VET learners present with challenging behaviours

  • Identify proactive teaching strategies which support young VET learners with challenging behaviours’ learning and success

  • Plan training sessions so young VET learners can develop self-regulation in their behaviour and learning

Invest in a positive learning experience for all: Register today!

Registrants will receive a complimentary copy of the Guide to co-constructing learning to support young VET learners with challenging behaviours

Register for the single session or all five of the 2024 'Supporting Young VET Learners' PD webinars at once: Sign up for all 5 in the series

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