DEWR Update on Draft Revised Standards for RTOs
Curated information about the progress of this project
In draft ASQA have released the next round of Practice Guides meant to provide examples of compliance considerations and known risks for the specific areas
See the next four Guides covering:
Facilities, resources, and equipment
In brief:
NOTE: The revised Standards are still draft. Nothing is final until they are enacted into legislation. See this post which references information from the Australian Government to explain legislative instruments
In draft, the Practice Guides are meant to:
See the first four Guides that have been released on:
DEWR have released the report: Summary of Outcomes – Piloting of Draft Revised Standards for RTOs: Outcome Standards
The pilot was undertaken in Oct - Dec 2023 and outcomes were expected to be published late 2023
On 1 October 2024 the policy versions of the revised draft Standards were released. The expectation was that these would be the last version before 'go live' on 1.1.25 (full regulatory effect 1.7.25). However, that is not the case.
The three (3) documents to comprise the Standards were released by DEWR on 1.10.24:
Feedback is still being sought on the Credential Policy and the Compliance Requirements. Feedback closes midnight 20.10.24.
Supply it to DEWR here.
People can also submit questions to DEWR via their 'online questions form'.
In addition to the actual policy documents, DEWR have released a preamble on their website with further supplementary information supplied:
In our opinion, the Outcome Standards Policy Guidance is a critical document to read in conjunction with the Outcome Standards, Compliance Requirements and Credential Policy which will all become under the NVR Act 2011.
DEWR have also advised:
ASQA have also released draft guidance materials:
The Guide from ASQA notes a series of reflective questions for RTOs to consider about each Quality Area. The aim to help providers focus on the necessary elements to ensure effective self-assurance. (We are pleased to note the reflective questions mirror the same philosophy shared and discussed with our Education Matters members during our Natters on Education Matters sessions this year).
Note too that advice from ASQA is not final, nor complete at this stage:
We have completed a comparison document between the draft revised Standards and the Policy version. So far, major changes include:
See the comparison document compiled by Skills Education:
2.10.24 - We have created a Ready Reckoner that compiles the DEWR and ASQA information into one handy document - You can print the ten (10) tab spreadsheet if required.
See the Ready Reckoner for the Revised Standards for RTOs below 👇👇
3.10.24 - VET Workforce Blueprint released
"The key goals of the Blueprint are to:
The Blueprint identifies 8 opportunities and 14 actions to address challenges and barriers to the attraction, retention and development of the VET workforce. It will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains responsive to changes within the VET sector and the economy."
© Commonwealth of Australia 2024
To read more about the VET Workforce Blueprint:
The Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council Communique from 20 September 2024 advised that " ...the revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), will be publicly released in the week of 23 September 2024."
The revised Standards are expected to be enacted 1 January 2025, and come into full regulatory effect 1 July 2025. (EDIT 24.1.25 - note the announcement from DEWR that changed the wording of when we can expect enactment; now "early 2025")
Further, the release of the revised Standards come amidst the release of another body of work - The National Skills Plan.
The National Skills Plan was developed under the 5-year National Skills Agreement and sets out the Australian and state and territory governments’ national approach to delivering Australia’s skills needs for individuals, industry and community.
There are eight (8) agreed National Priorities that sit within the NSP. They are:
1. Gender Equality
2. Closing the Gap
3. Supporting the net zero transformation
4. Sustaining essential care services
5. Developing Australia’s sovereign capability and food security
6. Ensuring Australia’s digital and technological capability
7. Delivering housing supply
8. Delivering reforms to improve the regulation of VET qualifications and quality
Release of the revised Standards falls under National Priority #8
(c) Commonwealth of Australia 2024
To see more detail in the documentation released 20.9.24, here are the links:
On 15.2.24 an announcement was released about early changes to the current Standards for RTOs with some key changes to take effect starting March 2024.
This information session by the DEWR team gave an update on the early changes to the current Standards.
Date and Time
Read about the early changes on the DEWR website
From Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Katerina Lawler
Elle Caspersonn
Hosted by Michelle Charlton
Other information FYI
See the slides from the session:
Download the comparison document compiled by Skills Education to see the amendments side-by-side
Download the comparison document compiled by Skills Education to see the changes to Chapters 4 & 6 of ASQA's Users' Guide (Feb 24 - March 24) triggered by the early changes
Related support tool:
Related support PD:
Date and Time
In October 2022, the proposed changes to the Standards for RTOs were released for public consultation with about 900 people participating in online and face-to-face forums, and over 250 online submissions received by DEWR. Public consultation on the draft documents concluded on 31 January 2023.
Following feedback, the documents were submitted for further drafting.
Here is the proposed timeline moving forward from October 2023
DEWR is motivated to receive further constructive feedback as we head into the Pilot phase of the project.
Input is sought on how RTOs would demonstrate compliance with the draft revised Standards relevant to their operational context. Feedback can be provided via this link
This session
Skills Education hosted a DEWR update to the VET sector on progress to the draft revised Standards for RTOs.
Hear from the DEWR project team on the proposed updates to the legislative instrument.
See the revised paper: Development of the Draft Revised Standards for RTOs Paper.pdf
From Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Katerina Lawler
Hosted by Michelle Charlton
Who should attend
Other information FYI
See also, the:
See the slides from the session:
Chat transcript from the session:
Q&A transcript from the session:
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