Update from Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)

Date and Time

  • Recorded April 21, 2023


DEWR - Skills Education - 21 April 2023.pdf

Answer to Q from the session

Q: Is there progress on the Digital Literacy Skills Framework and how will these identified skills be embedded into training packages eg. TAE, Business or FSK?  Has there been any results published of any data around this subject please.

A: 6.6.23 from DEWR - Thank you for your query in relation to the progress of the Digital Literacy Skills Framework. We appreciate your patience while we have prepared your response. The department conducted a review on the framework in 2022. The aim of the review was to:

  • research current uses of both frameworks by vocational education and training (VET) and adult and community education stakeholders, as well as of the tools available to support assessment using them; and
  • recommend areas for reform or change to support the frameworks in meeting identified stakeholder needs.

Any changes to the framework are expected to be progressed in early 2024.

 Skills Ministers have agreed, through the Jobs and Skills Summit, to simplify and modernise VET qualifications. Qualifications Reforms seeks to build upon the strengths of the existing VET system to ensure that Australia has a VET system that is fit-for-purpose – efficient, effective and easy to navigate, with a focus on transferable and relevant skills that enable learners to get jobs, and also supports upskilling and reskilling throughout their career.

The latest round of consultations on qualifications reform explored the concept of referencing the Digital Literacy Skills Framework in training products. These consultations have now concluded and The Commonwealth, States and Territories are considering the feedback provided through this consultation process.

Technical Reference Group

7.6.23 from DEWR: DEWR have advised they are putting together a Technical Reference Group to support TAE/FSK enquires


In December 2022, the Hon Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training, announced the outcomes of the Stage One Grant Opportunity process and the establishment of the 10 Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs).
(JSCs have replaced the previous system of  Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) and Industry Reference Committees (IRCs)).

This session

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the industry engagement reforms, the JSCs, including a status update on how the JSCs are establishing since their announcement in late 2022 and the expectations of their first year of operations.

The JSCs are being established to provide industry with a stronger, more strategic voice in ensuring Australia’s VET sector delivers stronger outcomes for learners and employers. As a national network of industry-owned and industry-led organisations, JSCs will provide strategic leadership in addressing skills and workforce challenges, aligning effort across industries to improve system responsiveness, build stakeholder confidence and drive high-quality outcomes for the VET sector, learners and business.

JSCs will have four key functions, and the department will elaborate on these during this session along with providing critical information on the updated Training Package Organising Framework and the role of the Assurance Function.

The department will also provide an update on the interim arrangements for the Training and Assessment (TAE) and Foundation Skills (FSK) as temporary oversight of these training packages will now sit with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations as agreed by the Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council.


From Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Rachel Livingston

Assistant Secretary

Industry Engagement and Quality Division | Skills and Training Group

Natasha Platts

A/g Assistant Secretary

Industry Skills Education and Engagement Branch

Industry Engagement and Quality Division | Skills and Training Group

Hosted by Michelle Charlton

Who should attend

Anyone interested in VET sector and Skills Reform initiatives - applicable to personnel from RTOs, ERTOs, and GTOs, and independent contractors and consultants

Other information FYI

  1. Registration is complimentary; costs subsidised by Skills Education
  2. This session will be hosted in the Zoom webinar platform
  3. Spaces are limited, please only register for the live event if you can attend - the recording will be available to view afterwards
  4. When you register, you will receive system-generated emails from our Zoom account as reminders - you agree to receive these communications from us
  5. For this special event, you will not require a Skills Education profile or login. Any information in the Zoom emails referring to your Skills Education dashboard does not apply for this session
  6. This is a special event and unlike other sessions is not eligible for a Record of Participation
  7. Please come with your questions for a respectful information session and discussion

See also, the:

Rachel Livingston - DEWR

DEWR Representative for the Session

Rachel Livingston, A/g First Assistant Secretary, Industry Engagement and Quality Division, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Rachel has worked for over 15 years in the Commonwealth Government, holding management positions across several social policy areas in the portfolios of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Employment, Women’s Policy as well as Indigenous Affairs.  

Commencing her career in the then Office of the Status of Women before moving to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations in 2004, Rachel was involved in two major overhauls of Commonwealth workplace relations legislation and, in her capacity as head of the International Relations Section, represented Australia at the International Labour Organization Governing Body meeting in 2010.  Prior to joining the Department of Education, Skills and Employment in 2019, Rachel was the head of the Women’s Economic Security Branch in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and held various management positions within the Indigenous affairs portfolio, working on a range of issues including remote housing, Aboriginal land rights, welfare reform and community engagement.

Rachel’s substantive role is as the Assistant Secretary of the Industry Skills Policy and Performance Branch, Rachel has responsibility for providing strategic advice to government on workforce, skills and training issues and administering national arrangements to develop vocational education and training (VET) qualifications.  

Rachel has first class honours degrees in both Economics (Social Science) and Law and holds a Masters in Public Administration through the Australian New Zealand School of Government.