Too short, too long, not Australian, selling something!

Yep - It can be a struggle to use video effectively in class with students. You might choose the wrong video, end up with something less-than-optimal, or just be unsure how you might link the video you did find, to specific learning objectives. 

Trouble is, video is such an effective teaching and sharing tool, it would be a shame to not use it as part of your training. And besides, most learners are probably well-versed and very comfortable with video as part of their daily life!

This webinar will assist you to:

  • Understand what makes a good video for educational purposes

  • Develop tools and activities that embed the video in the learning rather than the video being a standalone activity

  • Know how about options to create video content when you can’t find what you need (phones and AI tools)

  • Know how to use your phone effectively to make educational videos - a very handy option when you can’t find what you need


Key points covered will include:

  • Pros and cons of video over other forms of learning

  • Characteristics of useful video 

  • Using video functions - captions, sections, links, embed codes, etc.

  • Ideas for linking video content back to learning

  • Using video aids to keep students engaged - questions, discussions, problem solving etc.

Qualified, skilled and committed to professional development

Session presenter