Unpack and review changes that came into effect 1.3.24

Work through the updates triggered as 'early changes' to the Standards for RTOs 2015 by the new legislative instrument, the Standards for Registered Training Organisations Amendment (VET Workforce Support) Instrument 2024.

This pre-recorded program takes you through what each of the changes are and how they may impact compliance operations in your RTO.

Trigger a Record of PD on completion.

"Hi Skills Education - Your session was excellent – there have been a few webinars on this topic but the detail you included, the comparison doc and your clear explanations set this one WAY above the others."  

"Thanks for the 'Unpacking and reviewing of early changes' webinar. Excellent information very well presented, much appreciated."

- Participant emails 13.3.24

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This session

    1. Unpack and review the early changes to the SRTOs 2015 [Full clip]

    2. Introduction

    3. Background

    4. Overview of what's changed

    5. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.11 - Requirements for involvement in validation

    6. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.13 - Use of Industry Experts

    7. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.14 - Necessary credentials for vocational trainers/assessors

    8. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.15 - Necessary credentials to conduct assessment only

    9. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.18a - Working under supervision

    10. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.23 - Necessary credentials to be a TAE trainer

    11. In Detail: Changes to Clause 1.25 - Independent validation of the RTO to deliver TAE

    12. In Detail: Clarification of Clause 1.27 - Superseded training products

    13. In Detail: Clause 7.1 - Alignment to FPPR

    14. What now? - Conclusion

    15. Education Matters

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