Transition Arrangements - Trainer/Assessor

Look at the impacts of transitioning training products on the trainer/assessor’s continued suitability to meet requirements.

When Training Package products are superseded, a host of actions are triggered for the RTO to address. Included in those is the confirmation that delivery personnel can demonstrate the vocational competencies required to train and assess incoming units and qualifications.

Analysis is required by the trainer/assessor to determine how any changes to training products will affect what they can deliver, and how their individual competencies can be reflected against any new requirements.

This session looks at:

  • Identifying changes to training products at different levels within a training package - and the importance of understanding packaging rules to know what must be updated
  • How changes to delivery structure of a qualification can impact an individual’s suitability to continue training and assessing, and how the existing trainer matrix can provide guidance on any [up]skilling requirements
  • The difference between vocational equivalency and an equivalent outcome and how both of these things are relevant when analysing implications of a transitioning training product
  • How to undertake a KSA gap analysis on a superseded non-equivalent unit
  • Requirements to document compliance evidence to feed into the RTO’s Quality System

There are a slew of Training Packages being updated right now. In addressing the actions required during any transition, this session looks to answer the trainer/assessor questions “How does this impact me?”; “What do I have to do to train and assess the transitioning products?”

Other Details:

  • Recorded - October 2021
  • Duration - Approx. 50 mins
  • Access - 30 days from date of purchase

This Session

    1. SE - Transition - Trainer - R 211003

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 1 lesson
  • 1 hour of video content

About your presenter

Michelle Charlton

As the Principal of her organisation, Michelle works with her team to provide specialised VET and RTO support services including:

  • Writing and resource development
  • Assessment review
  • Assessment marking
  • Assessment validation
  • Professional Development information and activities

Michelle is an experienced presenter and facilitator, a qualified trainer and assessor, and has industry qualifications and experience in project management, leadership and management, training and education, and business operations. 

She holds tertiary qualifications in Psychology, Adult and Vocational Education, and Training and Development.

Contact and connect with Michelle:

E: [email protected]



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