7 ways to better assessment tools

Here's a session on some of the most common challenges for fit-for-purpose assessment tools - and how a quality assurance approach can help avoid these in the materials your RTO uses.

Assessment is the crux of accredited training, but also, historically, one of the biggest compliance challenges. 

This session will acknowledge the complexities that influence assessment development for VET, explore ways to evaluate assessment tools, as well as introduce some of the simple instructional design techniques you can apply to have your tools more likely to collect the evidence they should.  

This session will look at seven common pitfalls as well as tips for:

  • Using pre-implementation validation as a tool for assessment review and quality assurance within the RTO's assessment system - whether the tools have been written in-house, commissioned for development or purchased off-the-shelf

  • Basic principles of designing and developing quality assessment materials

  • Simple instructional design options that can make a big difference for users of your tools

  • Designing a tool that is more likely to collect the evidence required by the unit of competency

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Past Feedback:

Here's what others who watched this session had to say:

  • "Thank you Michelle. Was a good refresher on what mistakes we tend to make when developing tools. The examples for instructional design were very helpful.
  • "Great session - thought provoking with valuable learning/reminders - thank you very much"
  • "Very valuable!"
  • "This session made a lot of sense - love getting practical, clear information from the PD Skills Education runs"

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