How to determine whether an assessment tool covers the unit of competency

The Standards for RTOs 2015 require every RTO to implement a plan to validate the practices and judgements linked to each training product on the RTO’s scope of registration. 

Trouble is, once the assessments have been conducted using tools that have flaws, the implications can be huge - from extra work for staff, dollars on redevelopment, and right up to audit rectification activity, which in worst cases, can mean needing to recall certification issued to students.

One positive step toward avoiding this type of audit angst is to conduct a pre-implementation validation of assessment tools (a training product review).  And at the very least, this should include a validation of the mapping document to confirm that the:

  • Assessment tool is going to collect all of the evidence required by the unit of competency 
  • Evidence collected will be the right type of evidence per the requirements
  • Mapping is accurate and not saying something is covered when it’s not (which, when this happens, presents a risk to the RTO)

Join this session with Michelle Charlton to go through real-life examples of assessment tools to see how to:

  • Look for gaps in an assessment against the unit - no matter if they’ve been developed in-house or purchased
  • Determine whether the mapping document is accurate
  • Confirm whether the assessment task or question has been developed to collect the right type of evidence 
  • Ascertain the level of risk to the RTO

Investment in knowing how to properly conduct a validation of mapping will also help set the RTO up for more positive outcomes when it comes time to undertake the mandatory formal validation as described in the Standards.   

Learn about the mindset and methodology as described in the Big Book of kNOw

Other Details:

  • Recorded - January 2022

  • Duration - Approx. 50 mins

  • Access - 30 days from date of purchase


Past Feedback:

Here's what others who watched this session had to say:

"Excellent training - thanks Michelle - appreciate it!"

"Very informative"

"Great session - thanks Michelle"

"Highly recommend the Big Book of kNOw"

"Valuable information especially about having a good grasp of the words in the English language so correct determination can be made. Thanks"

"The content was excellent; this content was presented clearly and the pace of delivery was excellent"

"Loved it!"