Are you working as 'smart' as you can?

Sure, ChatGPT and other AI tools have been around for a while now, and most people have had a ‘play’ with generative AI (GenAI) to see what the tools can do. But how many of us really understand the powerful nature of GenAI? GenAI tools just keep getting better, smarter and faster - are you harnessing the advantages of this technology in your day-to-day?

Many people either don’t know what they don’t know, or know a bit but don’t know where to get started.

In this session, we’re going beyond mere content creation to open up the possibilities Google's Gemini AI tools present when we know how to effectively integrate them into our daily tasks.

This session with our AI 'Techspert' will help you to uncover and understand the capabilities of Gemini AI tools:

  • What tools are available

  • What these tools can do

  • How you can use these tools to work smarter, not harder

  • What ‘Gems’ are

  • How to use Gems to streamline processes  

The only way to keep from being left behind is to get started! See the potential of working with Gemini AI and get the guidance to know where to start today.

Qualified, skilled and committed to professional development

Session presenter