What do you hear?

Who works in a silent environment? Not you? Your students probably aren't going to either. 

A worker's voice and the sounds of their workplace can give learners a new understanding of the thinking and decision-making processes behind job tasks. Audio adds depth and a richness to the learning that you can hear... literally!

If you've ever wanted to know more about creating a podcast, using audio, what equipment is required, how to edit or embed audio into digital learning, or simply, what the different use cases for audio are, this is a session you don't want to miss!

Discover how to weave in audio as a tool to support learning. And, audio is simple to create once you have principles guiding you.

In this session, we'll:

  • Stake out why and how audio can address your students understanding

  • Demonstrate some examples of audio for various learning purposes

  • Show you how to record, edit and publish learning audio 

  • Explore tips on making audio an active learning tool

  • Look at publishing options 

At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Critically appraise various forms of audio for learning purposes

  • Plan to use audio in your learning content 

  • Translate listening into action by scaffolding activities and discussions from audio

  • Vary and guide your talent – recording workers, experts and ex-students

  • Write good questions and apply good-practice principles when interviewing industry experts

Other Details

Past Feedback

Here's what others who watched a version of this session had to say:

  • "Really shined a light on how audio can be used and with great effect”
  • "Great series and has given me lots of ideas for creating content moving forward - thank you!" 

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5 session bundle 'Digital Technology Series'

Qualified, skilled and committed to professional development

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