Overview of the biggest Standard from the Standards for RTOs (2015)

The Standards for RTOs 2015 is most frequently mentioned in relation to compliance requirements for an RTO. And within that, Standard 1 is the largest component to directly impact the RTO's operations - covering issues including trainer/assessor credentials, assessment, validation, transition requirements and the overarching training and assessment strategies to be in place for the RTO's instance/s of delivery of nationally accredited training and assessment.

Suitable for newcomers to VET or anyone looking for a refresher on the main people, product and process obligations out of Standard 1 for an RTO, this recording will address:

  • The intent and content of Standard 1 
  • High-level requirements for the main issues
  • Operational considerations in relation to: 
  • The TAS

  • Trainer/assessor credentials 

  • Assessment 

  • Validation

  • Transition arrangements

Other Details:

  • Recorded - August 2021
  • Duration - Approx. 60 mins
  • Access - 14 days from date of purchase

Past Feedback:

Here's what others who watched this session had to say:

"Really enjoyed your expertise in the Standards webinars ...Very concise and you managed to keep it interesting!"

"Great session ~ thank you"

This Session

    1. Intro to Standard 1

    2. Session Feedback

    3. Final Steps

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

About your presenter

Michelle Charlton

As the Principal of her organisation, Michelle works with her team to provide specialised VET and RTO support services including:

  • Writing and resource development
  • Assessment and document review
  • Assessment validation
  • QA services
  • Professional Development information and activities

Michelle is an experienced presenter and facilitator, a qualified trainer and assessor, and has industry qualifications and experience in project management, leadership and management, training and education, and business operations. 

She holds tertiary qualifications in Psychology, Adult and Vocational Education, and Training and Development.

Contact and connect with Michelle:

E: [email protected]

W: specialisedvetservices.com.au


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