Heard about the new Advanced RPL Credentials and wondering if this is a course that is right for you or your staff?

On 19.3.24 we ran an information session to hear about:

  • What the new Advanced RPL Credentials are about
  • Why the programs have been developed
  • What's involved when you undertake a program
  • Why we're interested in supporting the development of skilled, confident RPL assessors

When you register for the Participant Information, you can access the recording from the live info session.

Already, the courses are attracting a lot of attention both here in Australia and from overseas, and this session gives a perfect opportunity to know more about the development investment they represent.

You might have recently heard that the Australian National VET Regulator, ASQA, has named recognition of prior learning (RPL) as one of their regulatory risk priorities for the 2023-24 year

ASQA are particularly concerned about non-rigorous RPL practices and people being issued qualifications via RPL without having the necessary skills and competencies. We're proud to have a microcredential specifically designed to address these very issues (plus more!).

Register for the information session to know more about the Advanced RPL Assessor Learning Programs

Note this is an information session; not a PD session. There is no 'certificate' attached to this information

Things we know

ü  The Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is an entry-level qualification and it prepares graduates well to facilitate delivery of training and assessment however, although elements of clustering as a technique and RPL as an assessment pathway are included, the 'Cert IV' does not specialise in either of these areas - both of which address advanced practice servicing real-world demands

ü  Direct anecdotal feedback tells us a high percentage of trainer/assessors do not feel confident assessing an RPL application - let alone developing the tools

ü  RPL candidates are often left frustrated at the barriers within processes that make it difficult to have their existing skills and knowledge recognised. Many times, via processes that rely on a mountain of paperwork without needing to

ü  There is a shortage of qualified, skilled workers - many workers are skilled, but unrecognised. RPL, done well, is a meaningful way to effectively address this national issue

ü  Enterprise RTOs can use this method to map workers' skills to nationally recognised training products and easily support their workforce to achieve outcomes that result in nationally recognised qualifications. And all this can be done without massive amounts of time 'offline' to do training or fill out assessment paperwork

ü  RTOs with staff that can apply a pro-active candidate-centred approach to RPL are in high demand from industry - these courses show how to design and implement the tools and processes required

ü  Skills recognition is the preferred option when a person already knows how to do the job and already has the required competencies. The question becomes: Why are so many potential RPL candidates reporting they feel pressure in the process and end up thinking "it's just easier to do the course"?

These microcredentials show a pathway to a better way to offer and do RPL

See all program options

Find out what else is on offer to support Advanced RPL Assessor capabilities