Start the conversation in your RTO - don't panic, but be prepared. This Ready Reckoner is ideal to get a head start on the changes

Looking for all of the Standards information in one place? Forget flipping back and forth across 6+ docs

Developed on 2.10.24, note that this guide will be subject to change as the source information changes

Revised RTOs Ready Reckoner

This is a ten (10) tab spreadsheet with information from the various Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) and Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) documents released week beginning 1.10.24

Lots has changed from the draft!

A lot of people started learning what was in the draft revised Standards released October 2023. There have been a number of changes between the draft revised Standards (Oct. 23 version) and the Revised Standards (Policy Version documents) that were released 1.10.24. See the updated information!

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